By $100,000 this year
The LANAP protocol adds a new treatment modality, or new treatment approach, to your practice. By offering a treatment your patients both need and want, you can grow your practice income this year. The ROI is real – no matter if you measure it in dollars or in patient satisfaction.
Reported by LANAP Clinicans
What a great feeling knowing you have the perio treatment option that patients prefer.
Over a third of active AAP members are LANAP trained
Why is the LANAP protocol the preferred laser option for so many highly-trained clinicians? It’s the powerful combination of science, histology, and long-term results seen in their own patients.
Saving Teeth can save lives, 2x
People with gum disease are twice as likely to have heart disease, while women with gum disease are 14% more likely to have breast cancer. Research continues to link oral and systemic health making effective treatment of gum disease imperative to total health.
Increase your practice income
By $100,000 this year
The LANAP protocol adds a new treatment modality, or new treatment approach, to your practice. By offering a treatment your patients both need and want, you can grow your practice income this year. The ROI is real – no matter if you measure it in dollars or in patient satisfaction.
90% acceptance rate
Reported by LANAP Clinicans
What a great feeling knowing you have the perio treatment option that patients prefer.
Join 30% of your peers
Over a third of active AAP members are LANAP trained
Why is the LANAP protocol the preferred laser option for so many highly-trained clinicians? It’s the powerful combination of science, histology, and long-term results seen in their own patients.
Saving lives
Saving Teeth can save lives, 2x
People with gum disease are twice as likely to have heart disease, while women with gum disease are 14% more likely to have breast cancer. Research continues to link oral and systemic health making effective treatment of gum disease imperative to total health.